
Why use the online India Visa Application Portal?

Since 2015, the Indian government has implemented an electronic visa issuing system, with the aim of allowing travelers to access Indian territory more easily. If you wish to go to India, you will not have to go to the Indian embassy in your country of residence to obtain your visa. You will just need to carry out a visa application for India by going either to the Indian government application portal, or on the request portal for a agency specializing in issuing electronic visas.

Who can use the online India visa application portal?

The online India visa application portal can be used by all nationals of countries eligible for the India e-visa application procedure. The only countries that are not eligible to use this portal are 🇳🇵Népal and 🇧🇹Bhoutan. Nationals of these countries still require a so-called "traditional" paper visa to travel to India, and cannot use the online application portal for a simplified procedure.

To use the online India visa application portal, all you will need is a valid passport proving that you have the nationality required to complete this process. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of your arrival in India.

Online India visa application made easy using a dedicated application portal

By using a dedicated visa application portal to complete your India visa online, you will benefit from a simplified and completely paperless application procedure, from completing the application form to submitting supporting documents.

Using the online application portal on the Indian government website or on the website of a specialized visa agency will allow you to complete all stages of the application procedure in a simple and intuitive way. You will need to start by filling out the application form, indicating in particular your personal contact details, as well as all the information relating to your trip to India:

  • Your dates arrival and departure;
  • Your contact details (telephone, address, email);
  • The reason for your stay in India (tourism, business travel, medical consultation, conference);
  • Your first resortor place of accommodation (hotel, family, etc.);
  • Your entry point planned in India (port or airport).

You will then need to submit your supporting documents (ID photo, copy of your valid passport) by uploading them directly to the online application portal, in order to support your visa application.

The service which will take care of your request via the portal available on its site will check the validity of your supporting documents and will transmit your entire file to the Indian authorities. Once your application is accepted, you will receive a travel authorization in electronic format, which you will then need to print in order to present it to customs upon your arrival in India.