
The new Mopa airport is eligible for e-Visa to simplify international travel

Since 17 August, the Manohar International Airport, located in Mopa, has been an e-Visa-eligible point of entry. This newly-built international airport located in the state of Goa, India, allows tourists and business travellers from all over the world to benefit from this facility to enter Indian territory.

The e-Visa was introduced by the Indian government in 2014. It allows nationals of many countries to quickly and easily apply for a visa online, without having to visit an embassy or consulate. Travellers can obtain their visa in just a few days, without having to provide physical documents or send their passport through the post.

A device to facilitate tourist stays and business trips

India now has 30 airports and 5 seaports. With the addition of Manohar International Airport to the list of e-Visa eligible entry points, tourists and business travelers have a new option for traveling to India. This measure should further facilitate international travel to the country, by allowing tourists and business travelers to benefit from the e-Visa system to enter Indian territory quickly and without incident. Eligible exit points are more numerous and cover most travelers' needs.

Economic benefits expected for Goa

The opening of Manohar International Airport could also contribute to the economic development of the region. By facilitating access to the state of Goa for international tourists, this airport will undoubtedly encourage an influx of visitors, which would stimulate the local economy through spending linked to tourism and business travel.

A gradual expansion of the e-Visa system

Since its introduction in 2014, the e-Visa has been extended to several international airports and land border crossings, and now covers almost 30 points of entry throughout the country. The Government of India intends to facilitate international travel to its country by gradually increasing the number of entry points eligible for electronic visas.

Since its launch in 2014, e-Visa has been a real hit with international travellers. The number of e-Visas issued is steadily increasing, according to official figures 10.3 million evisas were issued by India in 2022. This is an increase of 100 % over the previous year, which was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism, Business, Medical or Conference: the e-Visa costs from USD 10 to USD 80, excluding intermediation service fees.