
Does the validity period of the medical e-Visa vary depending on the treatment?

Nowadays, everything is digitalized and you can even take the steps to obtain your visa online (e-Visa). Obviously, this is much more practical than the tedious procedures to be carried out in the administrative premises. Since 2014, many countries including India have implemented this online visa system. This significantly reduces the time it takes to obtain a visa and saves travelers from having to go to the embassy. In 2015, India introduced the Medical e-Visa into its program. How to obtain the e-Visa? How long is the medical e-Visa valid for? The answers here.

How to obtain the e-Visa for India?

You can take the steps to obtain the e-Visa alone. You must follow the procedures to put all the chances on your side. You must complete the online request form several days before your trip. You must scan an identity photo in the format indicated on the form, otherwise the request could be rejected.

Make your e-Visa online

You can apply for your e-Visa through a private service provider. Since 2015, travellers from several countries have been able to travel to India by obtaining an e-Visa. Consular fees for e-Visa vary from . The rates for tourism are different from those for business and medical travel, which has a significant impact on the rates.

In 2019, the length of stay was increased to 90 days (tourism) and 180 days (business). To obtain your e-Visa, simply complete the online form, taking care to be precise. After completing the form, you will pay the amount corresponding to your Visa application. Afterwards, you will have to send photocopies of your passport and an identity photo. At the end of the procedure, you will only have to print your electronic Visa and present it upon arrival at the airport. The rest of the formalities will be done at the airport upon arrival. Note that it is obligatory to print your electronic visa.

How long is the medical e-Visa valid for?

India recently amended its e-Visa program, extending it to more than 160 eligible countries. Once you have applied for your visa online, you will therefore receive your electronic visa before your departure. The validity period of the e-Visa is 120 days. You should also know that the medical e-Visa is not extendable. It cannot therefore be extended. More clearly, whatever the nature and duration of your care, at the end of the validity period of your e-Visa, you will have to leave the country unless you take further steps.