
What treatments are popular with medical travelers in India?

Patients from all over the world travel to India for treatment, attracted by qualified healthcare teams and more than attractive prices. What kind of treatment is it possible to come to India for? What are the treatments most appreciated by medical travelers in India?

What is medical tourism?

The aim of medical tourism for sick people is to receive treatment at a lower cost in a country other than the one in which they live or to treat illnesses which are not treated in their country of origin.

Medical tourism in India

Contrary to popular belief, it is often people from modest or poor origins who resort to medical tourism in India. India is a thriving market for medical tourism and more and more foreign patients are coming for treatment. To get there, you must obtain a medical visa. To make your life easier, opt for the e-visa, which is faster and more practical. This document can also be requested by the patient's companion.

It is mainly a question of fairly major surgeries such as heart surgeries but it is also possible to undergo dental care and certain cosmetic surgery operations for a lower price compared to certain countries in Europe or the United States, for example. In fact, the cost of certain medical procedures can be up to 90% cheaper in India.

The most common surgeries performed on Indian soil are mostly orthopedic, cardiovascular or plastic surgery. Medical representatives also travel to India to undergo cosmetic surgery operations which are not reimbursed in their country and also cost much less in India. Patients come from all corners of the globe, Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States and more and more are choosing India for their procedures. For example, a rhinoplasty costs almost 5 times less in India than in the United States (1.799 € in India against 8.994 € in North America). Cardiac treatments have the most demand in India as well as bone marrow transplants, hip or knee replacements, dental care as well. Thus, it is possible to pay less than 3.000,00 € for two dental implants versus nearly 8.000,00 € in Paris.

As a result, many very modern hospitals have sprung up in India, such as in Delhi and Bombay, establishments that do not hesitate to advertise their services. What's more, many travel agencies have jumped on the opportunity and are offering complete tours: after the hospital stay, patients can take advantage of a few days' convalescence to visit the Taj Mahal or sunbathe on the beaches of Goa.