
Do you need a visa to travel to India?

You want to travel to India but the administrative procedures are a headache for you. Do you need a passport? A visa ? How to request it? We'll tell you a little more.

Mandatory administrative procedures for India

Please note first that it is imperative to have a valid passport to travel to Indian territory. It must be valid for at least 6 months after the planned return date and have at least three sheets still blank (including two side by side).

You can't travel to India without a visa. It is possible to apply for a Regular Visa, which is a multiple-entry visa allowing you to travel to Indian territory but also to apply for special permits for Sikkim, in particular.

You can also apply for an E-visa, only for a tourist/business/medical stay and allowing you to stay a maximum of 90 days in India.

To enter India

If you want to apply for a Regular visa, i.e. a standard tourist visa, you need to fill in an online application form and then go and submit your application at a VFS centre, for example. Once your application has been drawn up, it is advisable to visit the VFS website regularly. That way, you'll be kept up to date with any changes to the rules or deadlines for obtaining a visa, which can happen at any time.

Your request must be accompanied by several supporting documents such as:

  • a valid passport
  • a photocopy of the personal pages of the passport
  • 2 identity photos in 5 x 5 cm format complying with current standards

If you want a transit visa, you must also provide a copy of your visa for the country of final destination as well as all supporting documents such as your plane tickets.

You can complete and print the duly completed application and send it by post to a VFS in your country of origin (Paris for France, for example) by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

If you wish to obtain an E-visa, the whole procedure is done on the Internet ( Payment is also made online. It is advisable to apply at least ten days before your trip. Officially, you can apply between 120 and 4 days before departure. The application form is in English and you will also need to provide some supporting documents (passport photo, etc.). Watch out for the size of uploaded files: if they are in the wrong format, this is grounds for refusal by the Indian authorities. Consular fees vary between €25 and €75, depending on the e-Visa you choose. If you go through a private agency, a service charge is added to the consular fee.

If you are worried that you will not be able to cope with the online application, use an agency or website that will take care of the application for you. You only have to provide the necessary documents and supporting documents and the agency will take care of putting together your file and submitting it to the Indian authorities. This greatly facilitates your procedures and can even help your request to be validated more simply and quickly..

Once your application is accepted, you will receive the e-Visa by email. You must print it to present it upon your arrival in India. It can be used within 120 days after obtaining it.