
How to obtain an e-Visa for India?

To travel to a foreign country, it is often necessary to have a visa, and India is no exception. The process of obtaining a visa was, until now, often long, tedious and required an impressive number of documents. Today, it is possible to obtain a visa online, simply and quickly. We tell you everything!

How to obtain your e-Visa?

To obtain your e-visa on time, it is advisable to make your request at least ten days before your departure and at the latest 4 days before your departure. The e-visa is valid for 30 or 90 consecutive days in India for tourism purposes.
To make your request online, it is essential to provide the following information:

  • Full name and first name
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • City and country of origin
  • Citizenship
  • ID card number
  • Passport number and country where it was issued
  • Passport issue date and expiry date

It is important, once the application is completed, to check that you have not made any errors, even minor ones.. This is why private agencies exist to prevent this. You must also attach to your request a recent color ID photo in JPEG format (very important here too because the request may be refused if the format is not correct). You must scan the photo to add it to your file.

Necessary conditions for obtaining a visa

The identity photo must be recent and 5 by 5 (cm) in size. A simple photo is necessary, no need to be overly made-up (for women) or with an overly elaborate hairstyle. It must be very clear and you can see the face, eyes and ears.

The passport is also important for your e-visa application. You will be asked to scan it (especially the page with the photo). Make sure it is still valid for at least 6 months from your day of arrival in India. It must also contain at least two free white pages.

There are many agencies and websites that now take care of applying for an e-visa for you from the Indian authorities.. Using a professional agency makes your job much easier and can even increase the chances of having your e-visa application validated by the Indian authorities!

Once the request has been validated, the agency will then send you the e-visa by email. You must print it and present it upon your arrival in Indian territory or even upon boarding for India. You will also be asked for all information regarding your departure from the country.