
What do you need to present when boarding for India?

To travel to India, you must present certain documents when boarding. Without these documents, you may be refused access to the plane or entry into the country. So, what documents must be presented when boarding for India?

Identity papers

You should keep an identity document with you at all times during your trip. If you are travelling within the European Union or Switzerland, an identity card is sufficient, but for India, you need a valid passport. Your passport must still be valid 6 months after your date of entry into the country.

Before boarding a flight to India, expect a customs officer to search your luggage to make sure you are not carrying anything dangerous or prohibited. It will therefore be necessary to declare certain objects such as a camera, a computer or a mobile phone.


You should have a ticket for the journey you are taking. Check the date written on the ticket and boarding pass carefully. You must also check your seat on the plane.

From now on, it is possible to have an electronic ticket. This simplifies boarding. To obtain an electronic ticket, it's simple: simply print the email you received when you made your reservation which contains the reservation reference and payment documents.


Entry requirements to India are quite strict. It is therefore essential to clearly define the reason for your stay when you apply for a visa. You must have a visa to enter Indian territory.

There are different types of visa: tourism, business, journalism, work, study, etc. If you want to spend a vacation in India, you must apply for a tourist visa online. It is valid for one year for stays of up to 90 days on site. When boarding the plane, you absolutely need a valid visa, otherwise you may be refused boarding.

Thanks to the e-visa, a simpler process for obtaining an entry visa for India, administrative procedures are often made easier. As with the e-ticket, all you have to do is print out the e-mail you receive after applying for your visa and present the document at boarding.

Vaccination and medication record

To enter certain countries, it is advisable to have an up-to-date vaccination record. It is important that vaccinations are done between 10 days and 2 months before travel. Ask your doctor or a medical center to find out which vaccinations are required before traveling to India. Normally, there is no compulsory vaccination for Western countries, apart from that against yellow fever if you have recently visited sub-Saharan African countries.
If you are taking medication, remember to bring a medical certificate for boarding.

⚠️ Beware, it is strictly forbidden to bring local currency (rupees) into India, on pain of a long passage through the police station. You will then have to buy your rupees directly in India.