
How to apply for an India visa online?

Regardless of your nationality, you will need to apply for a visa online to stay in India. This request can be made either on the Indian government website or on the website of an agency specializing in issuing electronic visas.

Why is it necessary to apply for an India visa online?

Access to Indian territory requires an online visa application. The Indian government set up an electronic visa issuing system in 2015 to facilitate the arrival of people on its soil. Previously, any visa application for India required traveling to the Indian embassy of the applicant's country of residence. From now on, the visa application for India is simplified, thanks to a completely paperless process, from completing the form to transmitting supporting documents.

Who can apply for an India visa online?

All nationalities are eligible to apply for an India visa online, with the exception of nationals of Nepal and Bhutan, who must carry a so-called "traditional" paper visa. It is also important to point out that due to diplomatic tensions between India and Pakistan, travellers of Pakistani origin may encounter difficulties in obtaining a visa for India online from the Indian authorities.

To be eligible for the online India visa application procedure, all you will need is a valid passport proving that you are indeed the nationality required to apply for this application. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of your arrival in India.

How to apply for a visa for India online?

To apply for an India visa online, you will need to complete a application form on a site dedicated to the issuance of electronic visas. Obtaining a visa for India online also involves transmitting a certain number of justificative documents, used to support your request. The documents concerned may change depending on the type of visa desired (Tourism e-visa, Business e-visa, Medical e-visa and Conference e-Visa). The required supporting documents are a photocopy of your valid passport, as well as a ID photo. For a Business e-Visa, you will also need to submit a visit card, and for a Medical e-Visa one hospital invitation where you need to be cared for.

All the documents to be provided to complete your visa application file for India will be download directly online, without any postal procedures to be carried out. The service which will take care of your request will verify your supporting documents, before transmitting your entire file to the Indian authorities. Once the latter's agreement has been obtained, you will receive a travel authorization in electronic format (PDF), which you will then have to print in order to present it to the authorities upon your arrival in India.