
Volunteer tourism in India: between sharing and discovery

India, a country of diversity and contrasts, welcomes almost 10 million tourists a year from all over the world. These prodigious figures testify to the growing appeal of this destination, which never ceases to amaze. But in recent years, a new type of tourism has emerged: NGO tourism, or volunteer tourism. In 2022, India recorded a 15% increase in volunteer tourism compared to 2021.

Voluntourism" is a form of travel that combines cultural discovery and social commitment. It allows visitors to take part in local projects to contribute to the development of the community they are visiting. Volunteers find themselves immersed in the culture and daily lives of local people, an enriching experience that goes beyond mere tourism.

Viable examples for decades

In the state of Kerala, for example, a team of European volunteers recently helped to rebuild a school destroyed by floods. The village children, seeing their efforts, nicknamed them the "Builders of Smiles" . This nickname has stuck, and has become a symbol of solidarity and camaraderie.

There are also booming environmental projects. In the state of Rajasthan, an NGO has set up a tree-planting programme where volunteers planted more than 5,000 trees in 2022, helping to combat global warming.

India, with its rich cultural diversity, offers a range of opportunities for volunteer tourism. Volunteers can engage in a variety of projects ranging from education to health, environmental conservation and community development.

However, it should be noted that volontourism should not be a "self-serving" approach. It is essential to provide meaningful and respectful help to the community. Volunteers should engage in projects that respect local needs and where their contribution can have a real and lasting impact.

A formality to respect to enter India

Beyond the enriching experience, volunteer tourism requires a certain amount of preparation. For Europeans wishing to engage in voluntourism in India, obtaining an electronic tourism-volunteering visa is a compulsory step. Introduced by the Indian government, this visa aims to regulate volunteer tourism and ensure that volunteers are well supervised.

Obtaining the electronic tourism-volunteering visa is a relatively simple procedure which can be carried out online. This visa offers many advantages, including greater flexibility and the possibility of extending your stay. It also allows the government to monitor the activities of volunteers and ensure that their actions are consistent with local needs and values.